Outdoor Emergency Care Program

Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) - A nationally recognized program that is tailored to the non urban rescuer.   OEC is considered the standard of training for emergency care in the outdoor environment.

OEC Course - A competency based educational program that prepares candidates to handle emergency care problems in a non-urban setting.

OEC Programs include, OEC Refreshers, Senior Emergency Management, OEC Enhancement, Outdoor First Care

Become an OEC Instructor

An OEC instructor is a current NSP member who has successfully completed the OEC course, the Instructor Development course and the mentoring program. 

An OEC Instructor is selected after assisting in teaching a minimum of two courses under the supervision of an appointed mentor and submitting an instructor application to the OEC Administrator

The MLR has a total of 133 outstanding OEC Instructors. 41 of these exceptional OEC Instructors have completed their 3-year cycle this year and will be coThank you for a job well done.

You are invited to become an OEC Instructor within the MLR and join our excellent group of OEC Instructors. Nothing is more important to the success of our NSP's education programs than our core group of hard-working instructors who deliver our programs. If you would like to become an OEC instructor please talk to your Patrol Coordinator or an OEC Instructor you know and they can assist you, or write me a note and I will walk you through the process

Senior Emergency Management

Over the past several years, the level of expertise of our senior candidates has risen considerably. One of my goals is to help inspire each OEC Technician beyond the Candidate level within the MLR to consider participating in Senior Emergency Management. SEM offers tremendous and positive value to a patroller by helping them to become a more proficient and capable rescuer to the injured guest as well as an introduction to the Senior Program.

There is a lot of pre-clinic work to be completed for SEM and it includes practicing OEC scenarios, demonstrating basic first aid skills and responding and elaborating on written scenarios. Senior paperwork must be signed off by your patrol representative and an OEC instructor and all tasks completed BEFORE you can participate in a SEM event. Senior paperwork is available in the “downloads” section of the NSP website (you have to log in, and then go to “my bookshelf” to get there).

Please see the Calendar for clinic dates.

Contact the OEC Advisor with any questions


OEC Courses

Note: For other classes in geographic proximity please also review the National Ski Patrol Far West Division OEC Page


Candidate Testing - November 2023